Miriam’s Story

Read some of our client success stories.

Miriam had been through this before. She had tried more than one job readiness program, and, in her own words, “quit the second or third day.” Miriam didn’t like the way the staff at those places treated her and her fellow participants—“like children.” So her expectations for Verge were all negative, and she felt “lost.”

But then Miriam’s attitude did a 180. She couldn’t help it—the Verge team treated her with something she had never had in life—“respect.” “This is the most fulfilling thing I have ever been involved in. I actually like coming. They don’t look down on you—they’re here to lift you up!”

The skills and confidence Miriam has gained through Verge have made her approach the work world with hope instead of fear. She used to feel like a “tomboy” who was uncomfortable around others in the work environment. But “Verge helped me keep my personality, but also made me into a lady—a professional.”

Miriam is now actively pursuing a position in the restaurant management field, and her ultimate goal is to go to college and one day own her own establishment—things that seemed impossible to her before. “I would never have thought I could achieve any of that was possible before I came to Verge. They opened my eyes up to a whole new world.”

“I would never have thought I could achieve any of that was possible before I came to Verge. They opened my eyes up to a whole new world.”