Star’s Story

Read some of our client success stories.

Star has a personality that reminds you of her namesake. But to hear her tell it, before she came to Verge, she never thought she could shine, especially not in the work place. “I was referred to Verge because I was on public assistance, and I was feeling down—I didn’t have a job, I was depending on a monthly check, and I never had any success finding work.”

But after a few weeks in Verges job readiness program, Star began to notice a change in herself. “They really build you up here. They help you develop your confidence, so when you get an interview, you feel motivated to just go out and grab hold of the job and make it yours.” Star greatly appreciated the help with resumes, reference letters, and the especially the mock interviews. “After they got done with you, you really felt strong and so prepared to go out and succeed.”

As part of her program at Verge, Star is also working on earning her GED, something that will go a long way in helping her gain employment. And the Verge team is always there to pick her up on days when her studies are not going well. “When I am having a bad day, the Verge team picks me up. They all have such great attitudes, and you can tell they love what they so. So that motivates me to find a job I love, too.”

Star’s goal is to find a position in the collections industry and maintain good pay and benefits. She recently had her first interview, and was surprised how natural it felt to her, in part because Verge had helped her prepare the day before. She is keeping her fingers crossed, but she knows that sooner than later, she will succeed.

“Verge really builds you up and helps you develop your confidence, so when you get an interview, you feel motivated to just go out and grab hold of the job and make it yours.”